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Deep Space Guardian: Season III-Episode 41
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La Forge
Bajoran Colonel

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PostTue Mar 27, 2007 9:19 pm    

Earth, Siberia

The second the Juliana and the others had entered the detention center, which was lined with Nautolian-occupied, all of them civilians including children, holding cells, left and right, all the way down, a strange smell that could only be described as a mixed smell of unwashed bodies, urine and other waste, and seawater filled the Frenchwoman's nostrils. The smell, alone, nearly caused Juliana to gag, however, she was able to control herself before anything managed to crawl her way up her throat. The same couldn't be said for the Vulcan woman, Captain T'Sa, who, in a uncharacteristic display of human traits, vomited at the sight before them. It was understandable. It was a horrible sight, indeed. Nearly everyone in the group seemed to have a look of sadness in their eye. Everyone except for Juliana. Her mind was elsewhere at the moment, focused on her father. Also, it was hard for her to feel any pity for Nautolians, civilian or no, after this attack on Earth. Her rage at Fito and his bastard race for murdering her father was overwhelming her.

It was an irrational hatred, of course. The whole race wasn't responsible for her father's death and there was no reason for her to show any hatred for these innocent civilians. After all, they had done nothing. Apparently, Starfleet had done this, placing civilians in these...concentration camps, of sorts, out of fear that they might, somehow, be in league with Fito and his cronies. It was a downright racist and idiotic thing to do. Locking these Nautolians up was only locking up an ally. Friendly Nautolians would have been a great asset in the war, allowing the Federation a better insight into the Nautolian culture and giving them a better way of understanding them. Locking them up could only alienate more Nautolians and, hence, cause more of them to join up with Fito. Still, in an act of human emotion, a glaring flaw as the Vulcans would call it, Juliana just couldn't overcome her anger at the Nautolians. After all, they had taken her father away. That very same father who had been there for her when she was a small child, who had protected her from her mother's wrath, who had kissed her 'boo-boo' when she fell down and scraped her knee. They had killed him and it would be some time before she would be able to forgive...but never ever forget. Never.

In any case, Juliana simply looked over the scene laid out before her, a look of pity hidden deep within those green pools of light that were her eyes. She couldn't let that momentary hatred control her and her views on the world. These poor Nautolian civilians were wrongfully placed her, just as Juliana's father had wrongfully been taken away from her. They hadn't wronged her in any way. In fact, they had a great deal in common with each other. A wise man had once said that it is easy to be angry and even harder to forgive. Juliana would just have to learn to live with the pain that lived within her and forgive those who had wronged her.

As Bengali and the others contemplated what to do next, Juliana simply stood there, her arms crossed as usual, absent-mindedly looking forward blankly, while she was lost in her thoughts...lost in her concealed grief, pain, and rage.

Last edited by La Forge on Thu Mar 29, 2007 2:21 pm; edited 1 time in total


You'll never hear me say this again in my life, but...

Go Red Sox!

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PostThu Mar 29, 2007 1:25 am    

(Please start wrapping up the sub-plots. The episode is nearing it's end. )

-Earth, Siberia-

Bengali shook his head to Kiris, "It's not your fault. I...just...don't belong here..."

He took a step back from Kiris, obeying his order to simply listen to Xavier. It might have been for the best or so Bengali figured. He folded his arms and watched the disturbing events unfold before his eyes. Civilians were locked up for their safety or so the Federation claimed. He had no idea if there was any truth to it, but it sounded reasonable to him. Perhaps, this was all just a large misunderstanding. While Bengali respected commander Xavier, he felt that the man too often jumped to conclusions and took matters into his own hands. It didn't seem very fitting for a commanding officer and Bengali had to wonder if his demotion was as unwarranted as the DSG crew claimed. While Bengali stood off to a corner, no longer bothering Kiris, Ian was listening to the cries for help and the suggestion that something be done, made by his mentor, T'Sa.

"Agreed." Ian replied.

However, saying that was easier then actually doing it. The repucussions of freeing these people could be disasterous. Ian could possibly lose his command and be imprisoned, as could his crew. Smith was close to replacing Ian with his personal Trill tool, commander Tayus. Even though Archer blackmailed Smith to never bother the crew again, he didn't have that leverage with others in Starfleet. Several in Starfleet Command were rooting for Ian to fail and this was more the enough.

"Wait," Ian quickly said, "I'm not sure if we can this."

He was about to comment further and explain his hesitation, but a familiar voice interrupted. A voice that made Ian cringe every single time he heard it. A voice that has been plaguing him since he first took over DSG. Ian spun around to see admiral Smith, flanked by four security officers. He was still wearing the uniform he had been wearing in the council chambers, but he had a thermo jacket wrapped over his shoulders.

"What a damn surprise," Smith said, "How did I know I would find you to be the intruder?"

Ian quickly responded, "I guess I could say the same for you, sir."

Smith's eyes widened, surprised by Ian's utter impudence towards him. He folded his arms, which were not inside the sleeves of the thermo jacket. The sleeves hung to the side, while his arms crossed together. He took a step closer, having appeared from behind the corner of a holding cell.

"Xavier," Smith fumed, "You're a pain in my side and I can not believe that once more, you're here to plague me."

He shot a dirty look towards Archer, particularly irritated that the man was black mailing him over the events with Tayus. Smith looked back towards Ian with an angry look. Ian motioned towards the nearest holding cell with a nod.

"I don't think I even need to ask about this?" Ian said, ignoring Smith's comment, "What the hell is going on, admiral? Damnit, this is wrong!"

Smith shook his head quickly, not wanting to get into this. If there was a count on how many times Ian and Smith butted heads, not even a Soong-type droid could keep track of it. However, it didn't seem like nothing would change between the two.

"Don't start this with me, Xavier," Smith retorted, "I don't want to hear it! You have a lot of damn never to think that we need to explain this to you. You're nobody, Xavier and I'm sick of you thinking otherwise. Everything here is legal."

Ian scoffed, "Oh yeah? Says who?"

"Me." A voice said from behind Smith.

President Goddard stepped from the end of the long hallway of holding cells, also flanked by security. He stared at Ian with a cold look that not even a Breen enviornmental suit could handle.

"Commander," He said, "You and your crewmen have violated a lot of rules coming here."

Xavier felt like he had been slapped by Goddard and his comment. It was certainly hypocrtical of the man to lecture Ian about the rules.

Ian spoke through gritted teeth, "With all due respect, sir, I hope you can see the irony of you lecturing me on breaking the rules..."

Smith stepped forward as if he wanted to slap Ian for his comment, but Goddard held out a hand stopping him.

"Enough," He said, "I do not explain my policies to you, Mr. Xavier. While the scene here may look daunting, I assure you that nothing is illegal. I put an act forward several months ago to ensure the protection of the Nautolian, Gorn, Hydran, and Cardassian populations in Federation space. Hate crimes were soaring because of this war and something had to be done."

Ian looked at one of the holding cells and noticed the small, hungry child. He pointed at her with an accusatory finger.

"What about her?" Ian asked, "If this was done to "protect" the people, then why did you stop feeing them? Why are the conditions so poor? Why are they locked up?"

Goddard replied, "We were planning on moving them off world, but conditions prevented us from doing so. We were forced to place them here, in isolation from others. As for the conditions, that was the result of a very negligent officer. A man that I have taken care of."

Ian eyed Goddard closely, staring into the wrinkeled face of the Federation president. He was unsure if he should believe the man, judging off the history with him. It seemed that Goddard had a way of turning any problem around to make it seem like he was in control and how he would fix things to make them better. The staple of a perfect politician. Ian wanted to protest more, not fully believing him. However, he had a severe lack of arguments and Goddard seemed to have an answer to everything. While he disagreed with this "act", Ian wouldn't really be winning anything by standing there and arguing. Smith or Goddard would always have something to say to cover up how bad things looked, no matter what it seemed.

"Leave, Mr. Xavier," Goddard said, "The Amragosa is in orbit. Go home."

"What!?" Smith shouted, "We can't let them get away-"

Goddard held his hand up to silence Goddard quickly.

"Quiet," He said sternly, "This was all just a big misunderstanding. However, I'm sure the good commander doesn't want to make matters any worse. Which is why I believe he is leaving..."

He shot a look towards Xavier and waited for a response from the man. Ian didn't respond immediately and looked at the holding cells, remembering how the people desperately wanted to leave and asked for his help. They had been strangely quiet during the entire confrontation and Ian couldn't figure out why. It all seemed to confusing, so convoluted. Getting involved would be messy to say the least and Ian wasn't sure what he'd be able to say from here out.

"When will they be freed?" Ian asked, generally concerned.

Goddard quickly replied, "Within the week. With the war over, they're free to leave. They're even safe to return to their own home worlds."

Ian slowly nodded, casting one final look at the Nautolian child and her large black eyes. She said nothing to him, nor did Ian to her. He turned around to his crew, ready to leave an Earth he didn't recognize.

"Let's go." Ian ordered.

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Lord Borg
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PostThu Mar 29, 2007 1:42 am    

-Earth, Siberia-

T'Sa glared at the president of the Federation, and Admiral Smith. She could not stand the fact that Starfleet worked for men like these. For a quick moment, she wondered what her Father's involvment was in this, then pushed the thought away. T'Sa swollowed, not able to speak as she was so...disturbed, so sickened, so...angry about what she was seeing. She let out a sigh of annoyance and turned to face Ian and began to follow him. Suddenly, she stopped, Jon looked at her in concern. Before he could ask what was wrong T'Sa turned to look back to Smith and Goddard.

She studied the two men for a moment, thinking things over in her mind, her thoughts racing over what was going on. She let out another sigh and started to turn away when movement caught her eye. She saw the child again...crying. T'Sa frowned at this and turned and quickly followed Ian, feeling her emotions begining to push though her mental barriers.

T'Sa shuddered again and reached out for Ian's shoulder and gasped as she felt her barrier 'break' and the emotion flooded in, worse then the anger she felt earlier, she was feeling....pain, emotional pain, regret...sadness...guilt.

"No" she whispered sadly.


When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me

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PostThu Mar 29, 2007 1:49 am    

-Earth, Siberia-

Ian stepped out into the cold once more, but he thought he heard a faint voice behind him. He turned around to hear T'Sa say "no", but nothing else.

"No...what?" Ian asked.

His eyes scanned her and he could see she was visibly disturbed and was having a complete loss of control on her emotions. Ian frowned at the sight and wondered why she had not sought out treatment. When she was on the station last, Ian pushed for her to leave and to seek treatment at either Starfleet Medical or on Vulcan. It seemed she had not listened to him. He wondered if she went back to that Novan she had feelings for. Ian had a lot of reservations about that relationship as he felt that T'Sa barely knew the man, but was strangely attached to him. It had to be the emotional control had to be...

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Lord Borg
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PostThu Mar 29, 2007 1:54 am    

-Earth, Siberia-

T'Sa sniffled and looked to Ian and offered a slight shrug and stepped forward then stopped again. She thought back to the small, defensless hungry child. What logic dictated that that child was a threat of some kind, or was threatened?

"No" she whispered, "No, we can't just, my...barrier is..."

By now, Ian would understand 'barrier' her emotional barrier that she had worked on for the last few weeks to 'fix' was crashing, all due to what she had just seen, and the recent stress of the war.

"How...can we" she asked as she looked over to Ian.


When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me

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Spellbinder Marik
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PostThu Mar 29, 2007 4:03 am    

-Elerra Prime, G�Tarkin-

N�Tran entered the engine room on the G�Tarkin. It was bustle with activity. Of course it would be now. Almost everything on the ship was being replaced. Not necessarily by better components but newer ones. There were some questionable modifications going into it but in the end it was still an old ship.

�Take the main reactor offline and proceed to disconnect the EPS relays.� N�Tran heard the reactor power down and looked up for a moment as power to the entire ship was out. A few seconds later the reactor they had outside was powering the systems of the ship.
�External reactor online and at 60% capacity.� Chilnak took a look at the console beside him.
�Good. Start bringing in the new components.�

N�Tran walked over next to Chilnak.
�Things are going well I presume?� Chilnak turned around and nodded.
�We�ve only just begun sir, but yes. Everything so far is running smoothly.� N�Tran left Chilnak to his work and went outside.

-Elerra Prime, The Beach-

R�Van had left a stack of supplies near the ship. Several guards had been posted near the stack as some of the components were quite valuable. N�Tran approached the stack and passed by the guards. He pried open one crate and looked inside. It was a long metallic arm with a strange end on it. N�Tran grabbed the PADD from inside the crate and looked at it.
It read:
Transport Enhancer Arm:
Manufacturer: Unknown
Uses: Be creative, R�Van

N�Tran smiled slightly. R�Van was the only Romulan he personally knew that would be so bold when talking to an officer. Then again am I really an officer anymore? N�Tran closed the crate and decided to check out the interior of his new home. Hopefully he�d get to enjoy it in the long run but if he didn�t he at least wanted to enjoy it while he could.

-IRW Sparverius, Bridge-

T�Rell was reading a PADD when a small alert went off.
�Admiral T�Rell, we have entered the Elerran system.� T�Rell looked up and saw Elerra Prime. As they got closer DSG came into view too.
�Drop the cloak and transmit peace code on all frequencies.� T�Rell didn�t want to be shot down by the station. While repairs had gone well they still had a ways to go. The only tactical systems repaired were the cloak and 3 disruptor banks on the port wing.

T�Rell stood up and took a deep breath.
�Computer, transfer all command functions to officer Commander Tokal.� The computer beeped in acknowledgment.
�Transfer complete.� T�Rell walked away from where he was standing and settled next to Tokal.
�The ship is all yours now Commander. Take care of it.� T�Rell left that where it was and left. Shortly after leaving he transported back to the Ferex.

-Earth, Siberia-

Kiris watched events unfold around him. Bengali had backed away. Now they were all outside again. Kiris had heard the whisper of Captain T�Sa.
�Commander,� Kiris said addressing Xavier, �She�s right. We can�t just do nothing. What�s going on in there is against everything this uniform stands for.� Kiris suddenly realized this was the first time since he�d been serving with the DSG crew that he�d openly expressed his opinion.

-Earth, San Francisco-

Cory and Tessa had gotten something to eat and just started walking.
�Where should we have the wedding?� Tessa was happy that Cory had finally asked her and found it amusing that he�d become so nervous.
�Your father has been adamant about it being on Risa.� Cory thought about it.

�Yeah, I suppose so. We still have time to think about it.� The two of them walk a short ways and stopped once they saw Kiris�s mother sitting at a table alone. It looked as though she was�upset. Cory approached her.
�Commander, is something wrong?�

Laura quickly wiped the tears from her eyes. Some of the things she�d seen on the PADD about N�Tran upset her immensely. She knew about some of the things listed but never figured he�d been involved. Laura looked up when Ensign Taylor had spoken to her.
�No, nothing at all. What can I do for you Ensign?� Cory shook his head.
�Nothing ma�am. I thought you were upset. Sorry to bother you.� Cory began to back away. Tessa strolled past Cory and sat at the other end of the table.

�Commander McKnight�Laura,� Tessa corrected, remembering that Kiris�s mother preferred to be addressed that way.
�I was an only child and that being the case I lack a maid of honor for my wedding. Would you like to serve in that capacity?� Laura smiled and looked to the nervous Cory standing not far away.
�As I am married the title would be Matron of honor but yes. I�m happy to assist you.� Tessa shook her hand. Laura smiled again. She knew that Cory and Tessa would have a far better marriage than she did.
�Has Ensign Taylor selected a best man?� Tessa nodded.
�He chose Kiris, your son.�


"No changeling has ever harmed another."
- Female Changeling

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PostFri Mar 30, 2007 9:35 pm    

-Earth, Siberia-

As Ian and the group walked away from the building, the commander listened intently as the others protested his actions. He eyed T'Sa, seeing her become more emotional than a Human. It was daunting to see his mentor in such a light, as she used to be in control of her emotions when he was a child. Either that or she simply didn't let anyone on the station see her fall apart like this. In an unrecognizable display of forwardness, Kiris came forward and offered his views on the matter, agreeing with T'Sa. Ian held his hands up, shaking his head.

"What I saw in there doesn't sicken anyone more then it does me," He said forcefully, "But I don't think there is anything we can do, not now or here. If we go against orders and free those people, we'll be locked away and then we won't do anyone any good. When I get back to DSG, I'm going to form a committee that will look into the corruption spreading across Starfleet. With the committee's help, we'll make what Starfleet Command and others do public. Then, no one can ignore us. However, I'm asking that nothing be done now."

His eyes followed his uplifted hands and he realized that he was still holding something meant for the trio, Archer not included, before him.

"That reminds me..." Ian muttered.

He approached a transporter pad that was sitting out in the open for rapid transport. With a quick nod, the officer on duty beamed the group back to San Francisco...

-Earth, San Francisco-

Ian found himself in some public area of San Franciso, back to the aftermath of Fito's war. He spun around to face the others and handed Juliana the PADD on the exploratory team to Elerra Prime, T'Sa the PADD on the Amragosa, and Kiris two PADDs, one on the new Rome class starships and the idea for shipyards to be built in orbit of Elerra Prime.

"These are for you all." Ian said, allowing them to read over it.

He approached Juliana first, who would no doubt be confused as the PADD made no mention of her. It was Ian's insistance that placed her as leader of the team.

"Lieutenant Roberts," Ian said, "While you aren't mentioned on the PADD, I had Starfleet replace the team leader to No one knows Elerra Prime better..."

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Lord Borg
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PostFri Mar 30, 2007 9:56 pm    

-Earth, San Francisco-

T'Sa wondered why Ian was handing her a PADD and looked down at it and started to skim the information over when something cuaght her eye. This was information on...a Starfleet vessel? A Nova-class to be exact, the U.S.S. Armagosa NCC-78652. T'Sa read that the ship was to be assigned to the Elerran System, and explore the other planets, nebula, what ever was there, that was not just Elerra Prime. However, apparently, there would be duties there, as well, albeit, limited as there was another operation about to go in effect there.

T'Sa held up the PADD and was about to ask Ian a question, when she saw he was still speaking with Lieutenant Roberts, one of his officers from the station. She lowered her eyes towards the ground and then lowered the PADD to study the readout some more, forgetting to check the second 'page', not realizing she was being assigned to this vessel.


When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me

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La Forge
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PostFri Mar 30, 2007 10:01 pm    

Earth, San Francisco

The young French scientist took the PADD from Commander Xavier's hand and read it over a few times, letting the information that the PADD contained sink in. It was incredible. Some of the galaxy's best scientists had been assembled to be a part of this team. Among the names of those who would participate in this...expedition, of sorts, included the famed scientist and one of Juliana's personal heroes, the award-winning Richard Bridgewater, who the PADD stated as being the team leader of the group that had been assembled for this mission. Just then, it hit her as to how important this mission had to be if such a crack team had been assembled. And, of all the people to lead the mission, she had been chosen, a simple twenty-four year old woman from Paris, France who only held the rank of Lieutenant, Junior Grade. For heaven's sake, she had been chosen to replace Richard Bridgewater, arguably one of the best scientists on the Earth's surface! How could she possibly fill such massive shoes? It just wasn't possible. No. This was only a joke. This had to be a joke. There were plenty of others who knew more about Elerra Prime than she. Of course, Juliana had spent a fair share of her scant free time exploring the many ruins of Elerra Prime and learning their language, there had to be others who knew the planet better than she. There was...well, no one came to mind off of the top of her head, but, there simply had to be someone else who was more qualified to take on such a big and downright daunting role. It just didn't make sense to her that she, Juliana Antoinette Roberts, had been the one chosen to lead this mission.

After reviewing the PADD for a good few minutes, reading over the names contained on the portable computer's small, but suprisingly bright, screen, names that included such revered scientists as Mora Celes, Nilani Pren, Rygar Ares, and Steven Marshal, the last of whom Juliana had previously met at an archaeological convention about a year or two ago, she finally looked back up to Commander Xavier, the superior officer who had given her the PADD that she now held in her trembling pale hands, a look of absolute confusion displayed on her weary face.

"Are you sure that this PADD is for me?" Juliana asked, suspiciously, feeling that there was no way that this PADD could honestly have been for her. "I mean...You're saying that I'm supposed to replace Richard Bridgewater as team leader of this...of this expedition. Richard Bridgewater! Do you know who that is, Commander? Only the biggest name in science on Earth. He's my idol! How am I supposed to do a better job than him? I've not won an award in my life. He's won over thirty. I'm twenty-four years old, with less than ten years of experience in the field. He has over thirty. Do you see what I'm getting at? I just don't...don't understand this..." she continued, rambling, as she usually did when she spoke about matters such as these.


You'll never hear me say this again in my life, but...

Go Red Sox!

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PostFri Mar 30, 2007 10:07 pm    

-Earth, San Francisco-

Ian smiled and nodded his head, confirming that this was not a joke and that the PADD was meant for her.

"Yes," He explained, "Your "idol" may have all those awards, but what he doesn't have is experiance. If he thinks his long record will protect him from the dangers of Elerra Prime, then I think he doesn't know what's coming to him. What you have over him, and that entire team, is experiance. You've been on the planet and know about several of the dangers and how to counter them. I won't lie, Miss Roberts. Ths mission is important to Starfleet, but there is no time table. You have as long as you need to fully explore this world. However, I do not speak for you. I volunteered you, but you may say no and we'll never mention this to...Mr. Bridgwater."

He eyed her closely, waiting for some type of response from her.

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La Forge
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PostFri Mar 30, 2007 10:21 pm    

Earth, San Francisco

"I...I...I..." Juliana studdered, not knowing how to respond to Commander Xavier's explanation as to why she had been chosen to be team leader of this mission. She understood what he was trying to say. She knew a little bit about Elerra Prime and, quite frankly, the offer was...tempting...very tempting.

Such an expedition to Elerra Prime, accompanied by the galaxy's greatest minds, with no time-table to explore the endless mysteries of the beautiful and ancient Elerra Prime...There was no way a scientist could refuse such an offer. Also, this job offered her an opportunity to get off of that damned station, to put a stop to a dreary something that she referred to as "scanning duty", and to get some fresh air down on the planet below. Not to mention the most important fact about this mission. It was exactly what she needed right now. She needed work...a lot of work...something to keep her mind busy while she tried to figure everything out, everything being everything. She didn't know how to cope with her father's death, how to break the news to her sister, what to do with her own life...she didn't know anything anymore. This mission would give her the time to sort through that jumbled web of thoughts and emotions that currently filled her mind. This mission was the perfect thing for her and she knew it. But, just didn't feel right...

At length, the young Frenchwoman put a stop to her studdering and simply allowed a heavy sigh to escape her plump lips. She stared at the ground, looking at her booted feet, her hands placed securely at her hips, the PADD containing the information on the mission still in hand, until, finally, she opened her mouth to speak...

"I'll do it." Juliana replied, at length, finally caving in, a wide grin on her lips, a rare sight for her.


You'll never hear me say this again in my life, but...

Go Red Sox!

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PostFri Mar 30, 2007 10:31 pm    

-Earth, San Francisco-

Ian bowed his head in thanks, "Good. I didn't want a team of dead scientists on my planet and an angry Starfleet Command demanding an explanation."

He was generally telling the truth in that regard. The team would die without someone leading them, someone who knew what they were doing. While Ian had about the same amount of knowledge on the planet and a bit more experiance, having been on DSG longer, he was no scientist or archeologist. That was Juliana's forte and she was the perfect candidate for this role. So, with that, the planet would now fully be explored. There were several planets in the Elerran system and perhaps Juliana and her team would explore those as well. However, for now, Elerra Prime was the real mystery that needed unveiling. Ian looked towards T'Sa and Kiris, both of whom remained silent during the exchange. Either they didn't have questions or they were being polite and not interrupting...

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Lord Borg
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PostFri Mar 30, 2007 10:35 pm    

-Earth, San Francisco-

T'Sa continued to study the PADD and looked back up to Ian, and saw he was looking at her. She raised her eyebrow and wondered what this was about. Once again, she held up the PADD and looked at her questionignly.

"I..." T'Sa cleared her throat and spoke again, remembering to keep things formal in front of others, "Commander, I don't undeerstand, why are you showing me information on the vessel?"


When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me

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PostFri Mar 30, 2007 10:41 pm    

-Earth, San Francisco-

Ian cast a confused look in T'Sa direction when she asked what the PADD had to do with her.

"Captain," Ian said in a dissapointed time, "I recall a time when you used to order me to read things thoroughly. It seems you've forgotten your own advice..."

He gently took the PADD away and pressed a few buttons, bringing up the crew manifest of the Amragosa.

"Unlike Miss Roberts," Ian explained, "Your name is on the list. Starfleet has asked that you reactivate your commission and take command of this vessel. The Defiant is returning to Deep Space Nine."

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Spellbinder Marik
Tal Shiar General

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PostFri Mar 30, 2007 10:45 pm    

-Earth, San Francisco-

Kiris accepted the two PADDs from Xavier. Kiris briefly skimmed through them. It appeared his work would soon be cut out for him�

-Elerra Prime, Ditex Homestead-

N�Tran stepped through the door of his new home. He looked around. It was so�human. N�Tran had been away from Romulus enough to start missing the things that made him Romulan. N�Tran stepped into the kitchen area and stopped at the replicator.
�Betal, chilled.� The replicator buzzed. N�Tran picked up the drink. At least the replicator did a decent approximation of a Romulan fruit drink.


"No changeling has ever harmed another."
- Female Changeling

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Lord Borg
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PostFri Mar 30, 2007 10:47 pm    

-Earth, San Francisco-

T'Sa felt her face heat up as she blushed, she looked down and silently hoped people were not staring at her. She had be come lax lately, the stress of the war had gotten to her, and the sight she had just seen in Siberia had sickend her to the core. She allowed herself to look back to Ian's eyes, the thought of him being disapointed in her bothered her greatly. She slowly reached out for the PADD and looked at the manifest carefully. Indeed, she was listed as the commanding officer. She looked back to Ian in surprise.

"They want me to do this?"

T'Sas hand trembled for a moment, she was reciving a command again, a scientific one at that. It seemed that her roots were coming back to her, she was going to explore, study, be a scientest.

"I...I don't know what to say..."

She looked down again and re read the line where it listed her as the commanding officer. She looked yet again, back to Ian.

"I don't intend to let you, or Starfleet down..."


When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me

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PostFri Mar 30, 2007 10:53 pm    

-Earth, San Francisco-

Ian nodded and smiled at his old friend, "I know you will, captain."

He was pleased to see both Juliana and T'Sa settling into their new roles. It definitly seemed to fit both of them and he had no doubts that they'd perform admirably. Last item on the last was Kiris, who was tasked with rather big duties.

"Mr. Ditex," Ian said, "I'm sure you've read Starfleet wants you to create ten drydocks to be placed near DSG. In addition, you and I will be part of a team to construct the Rome class starship. I hope that like the others, you're up for the task?"

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Spellbinder Marik
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PostFri Mar 30, 2007 10:58 pm    

-Earth, San Francisco-

Kiris looked at the PADDs again.
�I�m sure I can handle it sir.�


"No changeling has ever harmed another."
- Female Changeling

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PostFri Mar 30, 2007 11:13 pm    

-Earth, San Francisco-

Bengali gasped at the news, prompting Ian to smile at the young officer. However, the daunting task was not on Bengali, but Kiris as he was the chief of engineering. As the group, minus Archer of course, looked at their PADDs, Ian looked back at the damaged city. An Earth he did not recognize was spilled out in front of him.

"I think we've worn out our welcome." Ian said to them.

DSG was his home and returning to Earth, this Earth, was not something he planned to do...not for some time...

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Lord Borg
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PostFri Mar 30, 2007 11:52 pm    

-Earth, San Franciso-

Archer listend to the group for a moment, and smiled to himself, it was always good to see people get such wonderful assignments, that could help make a name for themselves. He hoped that roberts, T'Sa, and Kiris could leave a legacy of the sorts, something other then a record in a database someplace.

"Well" he said "I hate to depart you all, but I have a few things on the Monarch to deal with, before we leave Earth."


When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me

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Spellbinder Marik
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PostSat Mar 31, 2007 8:37 am    

-Elerra Prime, Down the Beach-

Trip stood close to the water. Not close enough to get wet but close enough to smell the water and the creatures beneath it. Several seconds later the water broke and a creature emerged.

The creature re-submerged. Trip watched the creature jump in and out of the water several more times. He pulled his spear loose and fully extended it. When the creature emerged again Trip threw his spear. The spear whistled threw the air and caught the creature in the middle.

Trip approached the water. He stepped in and grabbed the spear, pulling it from the water with the attached creature. His cloak wouldn�t work for awhile so hopefully this creature would be edible.

-Elerra Prime, G�Tarkin-

T�Rell materialized on the transporter pad. He looked around.
�That took a bit longer than usual.� The officer behind the controls nodded.
�Yes sir. Some systems are in the process of being refitted. Transporter control momentarily lost power.� T�Rell sighed. He could have just died. Although if he had he wouldn�t have known.
�Where is Admiral Ditex?� The officer pointed.
�I believe he�s out there. In his new house sir.� T�Rell walked out of the transporter bay.

-Elerra Prime, N�Tran�s Home-

T�Rell entered. He saw N�Tran sitting at a table.
�The hero returns.� T�Rell lowered his head for a moment.
�I�m no hero. I was just a leader there at a convenient time.� N�Tran didn�t turned around.
�How�s Admiral Donatra?� T�Rell assumed a seat by N�Tran.
�She was injured but she�ll make a full recovery.� N�Tran nodded.
�That�s good.�

N�Tran finally looked up.
�What do you think of the house?� T�Rell looked around.
�It�s�nice but it�s not Romulan. It doesn�t seem like you sir.� N�Tran chuckled.
�No, no it�s not me. But I didn�t have it build for me. I had it built for Laura.� T�Rell stood up.
�It must be nice to have a place to call home.� N�Tran stood as well.
�It�s not too late old friend. You can still return to Romulus, probably no worse for wear.� T�Rell knew it to be true. He could return to Romulus a celebrated hero.

�Being a hero means less to me than sticking with my�family.� N�Tran raised an eyebrow. T�Rell had never been so sentimental.
�I appreciate that.� There was a long moment of silence. N�Tran spoke first.
�I've got upgrades to see to.� T�Rell followed.
�I have to see Trip.�

-Elerra Prime, The Beach-

N�Tran entered the G�Tarkin and T�Rell met with Trip.
�What is that?� Trip held up his catch.
�It�s food.� T�Rell shook his head.
�Well maybe when you�re done eating you can take a look at this.� T�Rell pulled the broken Nautolian weapon out of his uniform and handed it over.
�It�s a Nautolian weapon. I noticed it was similar to some of your technology.� Trip clipped it to his armor.
�I will endeavor to make it function again.� T�Rell looked around. He sensed a storm was coming. Not in a meteorological sense but in a different way. �and it wasn�t going to be good.


"No changeling has ever harmed another."
- Female Changeling

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PostSat Mar 31, 2007 2:25 pm    

(SM, please remember to show me any new wildlife you're introducing on Elerra Prime. )

-Earth, San Francisco-

Ian nodded to Archer, as the former captain of the 5th fleet would no doubt want to bid farewell to the fleet and it's crew that he led for months. Goddard had made it clear that Archer's role was now over and he was to return to the Hippocratic Oath. The 5th fleet was to be disbanded, as were many other fleets created for the Nautolian war, and to return to their orignal duties. Ian didn't get to know the fleet that well, but he knew Archer had joined the "family", even suffering through some of the painful losses that came with it. Several ships were lost during the attack on Earth, including some from the 5th fleet. They would never truly be forgotten.

"I understand," Ian said, "We'll see you on the Amragosa."

With that, he let his friend move on.

-Cardassia, Central Command HQ-

Zevek Telcan and Elim Garak had returned to the capitol after discussing at length what Cardassia would have to do to make amends for what recently occured and of course, what they had to do to throw off anger and blame.

"You'll go to Starfleet," Garak told Zevek, "All the way to Earth, if you have to. I say it's time that a representative go there. You must talk to them and stress that Cardassia had a very little role in all of this. I'd do it myself, but Starfleet sees me as...untrustworthy. Imagine that!"

He cast a mysterious smile in response to his own comment.

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Lord Borg
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PostSat Mar 31, 2007 2:56 pm    

-Earth, San Francisco-

Archer returned the nod to his friend, and tapped on his combadge, and asked the Monarch for a beam up. When jon disapeared in the beam, T'Sa sighed softly and looked back down to the PADD and re read the info over, a part of her couldn't believe she was getting this sort of command. It was the best of both worlds, really. She could command, and be a scientest at the same time. She looked up carefully to Ian and saw the others were still around. She stepped over to him carefully and whispered to him.

"May we have a few moments" she asked.

-U.S.S. Monarch, Bridge-

Jon's eyes cleared from the sight of the beam, to seeing the transporter room, or well, one of the transporter rooms of the Monarch. He gave a nod to the officer on duty and left the room at a brisk pace, his goal was to the bridge, where he'd have the sad duty of informing them of the break up, though he had a bit of good news for Emma Creed, it would seem.

-Cardassia, Centeral Command HQ-

Telcan groaned internally when it was mentioned of going to Starfleet. Yet another embarrasing moment for Cardassians, appealing to the Starfleets. He resisted the temptation to knock Garak on his rear when he said Starfleet had deemed him as untrustworthy, if the man hadn't been so stupid in the last few years...

"If you wish" Telcan said, "I wont make my self look like a Vole, though. Either they accept our word, or they do not."


When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me

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La Forge
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PostSat Mar 31, 2007 7:12 pm    

Earth, San Francisco

A moment of silence ensued after all of the PADDs had been distributed, with any and all questions asked, and the departure of Captain Archer back to the Monarch. The Vulcan woman, Captain T'Sa, had gone over to Commander Xavier, whispering something into his ear. Juliana paid it no mind. She had other things on her mind at the moment. Her eyes were fixed on the screen of the PADD that she currently held in her pale and trembling hands. It was such an exciting time for her. She still couldn't believe what had just happened. She, of all people, Juliana Antoinette Roberts, had been chosen to be the team leader of a crack team to explore Elerra Prime! It was all so incredible to her. This day was, quite possibly, both the best and the worst day of her life, a very odd thing.

At length, the young Frenchwoman looked over to Commander Xavier and the others, after pocketing the PADD, and opened her mouth to speak.

"Well...I've got some things to take care of before we go back to DSG." Juliana announced and, with that, she spun about on her heel and walked off...

Earth, Paris

Some time later, Juliana, having found a means of transport, had arrived back in her home city of Paris, for one last time, to say goodbye before she would be heading back to Deep Space Guardian. She had decided to visit her childhood home or what was left of it, that is. When she arrived "back home", as it were, home being located in Le D�fense nearby to the Grande Arche, she found it to be nothing but a pile of rubble. Unfortunately, her home had been one of the few hit the hardest in the attack. It was a smoking ruin now. It was a big house with a large backyard, where an expansive garden and small pond were located. She wandered the grounds of her old home for awhile, until it was nearly dark. Just as the sun was setting, she took a seat on an old stone by the small pond.

That rock had been there forever, since she was only a little girl. She sat on that rock, looking out at the pond and beyond, memories flooding her mind. She could remember swimming in that pond with her little sister everyday of the summer. She could remember sitting outside on sunny days, sitting on this very rock, and reading the great classics. She could remember so much...and now, all of it was gone. She simply stared, mournfully, at the glassy surface of the pond. The waters had turned an pinkish color, because of the sun setting in the distance. She simply sat there and stared, allowing the tears flow, once more. It was official. Everything about her old on life was gone. Her parents were dead and her home gone. The only thing that she had left was her sister, back on DSG. DSG was home, now. Not Earth. There was nothing here for her, anymore. Nothing.


You'll never hear me say this again in my life, but...

Go Red Sox!

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PostSun Apr 01, 2007 1:31 am    

Earth, Marine Headquarters

Ziona had found her way into Marine Headquarters and had found a small room where she could sit in silence, waiting for word from her crew. She watched the Marines rushing around, getting things prepared, taking care of commands. She thought for a moment how she, too, could have been among their ranks. She also thought about how much her father would have appreciated her being there instead of on Deep Space Guardian with... Starfleet.

A shudder rushed through Ziona's body as she thought about the seeming hatred her father had towards Starfleet and how it had seemingly disappeared a while ago after he was taken hostage and saved by DSG's crew. She wondered how this war would turn his mood again.

"Miss Andreas." An aide walked into the room and Ziona stood quickly, clasping her hands behind her back. She hadn't been aware that her prescence had been detected by the Marine workers. "Your father just returned to Headquarters. Would you like to see him?"

Ziona's heart lifted a little. So her father had survived.

"Of course." Ziona smiled quickly and followed the aide out into a nearby cooridor. From down the hall, Ziona could hear her father's crisp voice barking a few orders over the general din of the surrounding area.

As the Field Marshal turned a corner, he raised his eyes and saw his daughter standing ni the midst of the hallway. Half of him was happy that she had survived, the other half of him was still mad at Starfleet because this was partially their fault in his mind. Actually, it was mostly their fault in his mind.

"Father." Ziona spoke quietly.

"What are you here for?" Andreas asked, eyeing his daughter cooly and brushing past her. "Go find your Starfleet crew and get the hell back where you belong." His answer was short and brutal and he pushed past her and continued down the hall, four or five Marines rushing to keep up with him, throwing glances in Ziona's direction.

A stinging hurt fell over Ziona and she remained where she stood a moment, her eyes down before she turned and looked at the aide who was still staring at her. She blinked once before leveling a sharp and threatening gaze in his direction. He turned and fled down the hallway.

With a quick movement, Ziona slapped her hand to her combadge.

"Z...Ziona Andreas to Commander Xavier. Where are you? I'm ready to get off this hell planet."


]"...the truth is, I am scared to death just treading on your shadow..."

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